Mesothelioma Law Firm in Ohio
Mesothelimona / Asbestos Exposure
Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. Most people who were exposed to asbestos worked on jobs where they came in direct contact with asbestos or inhaled asbestos dust while working with the material. Asbestos was used in many commercial and consumer products, from construction materials such as cement, roofing shingles, and insulation, to consumer and industrial applications such as hair dryers, automobile brake pads and pipe insulation.
Many members of the military were exposed to asbestos that was used to construct military housing and operations buildings. Asbestos was also used heavily in the construction of ships for the Navy.
Today, second hand asbestos exposure cases are on the rise from the spouses and children of people exposed to asbestos. This has occurred when washing the clothes of the person working with asbestos and when kids would sit on their parents’ lap and have direct contact with the asbestos ridden clothing their parent(s) were wearing.
Mesothelioma Claims
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed or recently passed away because of mesothelioma, please contact Collins & Kruse Law Office immediately as these claims have a strict timetable attached to filing a claim.
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